Poetry wheels in English
Poesi fra sjælen
Når ordene flyder på engelsk er det fra et univers af mystik og universel visdom; oftest føles det som Guds ord, jeg nedfælder. På en eller anden måde, føles det tættere på Gud, når engelske ord flyder - ikke fordi det ekskluderer de danske digte fra guddommelighed, men på engelsk er ringen sluttet og jeg bevæger mig ind i uendeligheden, i enheden, hvor intet er adskilt.
Det er et andet åbent "space", hvor ordene udvider sig i takt med, at universet folder sig ud. Jeg har ikke behov for eller lyst til at tage ejerskab af lyrikken, jeg kan være taknemlig for at jeg er nået ind til den ro, der skal til, for at ordene flyder fra en kilde, hvor al visdom er tilstede.

Medicine Wheel of Poetry
Kærlighedspoesi til dig, hele livet rundt
Wheel of Love
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It is time to come home, my love
I call you from your secret place in my heart
It is time to come home my love
My heart is beating the rhythm of your soul.
I've waited patiently to see your tree grow so beautifully
I've nursed your seed; let it drink from my waters
Planted it with my love song to show you life
Let you grow your own personality.
It is time to come home, my love
You are fully grown and are carrying my seeds
It is time to come home, my love
Bringing life into expansion from our love.
It is time to come home, my love
It is time to come home, my love
It is time to come home, my love.

I love you in the mirror, when close to my heart
I know nothing can stop you travelling to the light
No matter how challenging the road might be
I keep coming back, centred, living me.
I am a cell in the great big creation.
When I love its whole self
it is a doorway to oneness.
This journey to a whole love
towards no conditions has a time prospect.
It takes time, step by step to embrace the truth of oneness.
Wheel of Life
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I cried a million tears or more
For this world to shine
And not one has fallen in vain
For not for one second, did the ocean forget my name.
I shouted a million times in pain
For the challenges in this world
And not a single word has lost its call
For not for one second, did the wind forget my breath.
I have loved a million times or more
And lost along the road in life
But my heart is full of light
For not for one second, did the sun forget to shine.
I laugh and smile in this dance of life
I know my sisters move in this light
We move to the same exact rhythm
Of the divine.

When you meet love
There is no need to hide
When love comes to you
No doubt, take the ride
When love enters as nature brings
We surrender into the arms of knowing.
Light the stars he said, and so you did
As the most natural thing
Show them the universe in a dance
Then the rhythm never stopped neither night nor day.
I live this passion of mine
Depending upon where its essence arises
A fire of personal wishes
might burn down
Soul spoken passion will light the fire.
Wheel of Liberty
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I'm always in love with the present moment
It's amazing what is when I step out of the past
It does not exist
Breathing in nothingness, making space for everything
Awareness expands to the echo of my heart
Never imagining more freedom to exist.
I'm such a happy person within the present moment
Playing with the breath that caught my attention
Smiling as I expand, allowing the tickling insights
When the air circulates in my body
And I know I’m alive from one moment to the next
I'm as vibrant as ever in focus of what is
Never bringing a question of worry into my head
To the illusion of the present that it exists
Nothing can rock my boat in balanced water
For I am as liberated as I believe,
my heart will set me free.
When you love every little cell in your body
Liberty will smile to you in a reflection
When, as if by reflex
You picked up the mirror to look.
Just when the morning sun appears
Revealing the land of opportunities
The wisdom of the night
Will be at your doorway ready to step in
When you embrace both night and day
Liberty, you’ll see her silhouette
Dancing in the mirror.
My dear I know about suffering
That place in life
Where you struggle with your wishes
You've worked so hard
Trying to break through
How to get this dream to come true?
Wheel of Silence
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Listen to the silence of the heart
It widens your prosperity
When looking for answers
Silence will give you peace.
Caught up in a mind full of wonders
Let the silence guide you home
Brave as a lion that dares to take one step back
Reviewing the scenery.
Rest, my love, in the arms of silence
In-between inhale and exhalation you will find the key
Unlock the door to nothingness
Where everything grows in silence.
Do you ever feel like you are waiting
In the shadow of life?
Please let me ask you why?
Imagine stepping in through another door
Let your weary head rest in the shade of life
Protecting its gold
Nobody needs a lecture
That has left its purpose from the heart
No one craves for senselessly speaking tongues Nothing makes sense in empty words
That have left the passion of love
Wheel of Wisdom
Digte om visdom

So many expressions are made
Where the voice is used as an identification of you
But the voice is the sound of your soul
And should be honored as the dot on top of the 'i'.
The voice can only vibrate into the core
When you allow the sound to break free from all your personalities
Imagine what liberty this realm would receive
If all vibration breaks free.
Every time you move soil
From one place to another
You bring in new seeds to your garden
It is up to you to define
What is weed and what gives delight.
Sometimes in an awkward moment
It happens that I don’t rime
As well as the moments when I feel
There are no more words within sight
I’m not the singer
But the song of love
I’m not the artist
I just belong in the note after note
Floating from deep within the poet.
From the depth of nothingness
The poetries arise
From the space of divine wisdom
Limitlessness reveals its natural sight.
Once you have laid your head to rest
Under your soul beating heart
All your beauty is allowed to grow
Into the most magical landscape.
Open is the space of deep inner peace
All you have to do is to bend down
From this personal level of torturing you self
Let go of ideas of how to be worthy
You are love and have always been.
Lay down all other ideas
And receive the deep quantities of your self
Don’t let fear grab the moment of beauty
Trying to make stay of what flows to grow in your heart.
Nothing can be more captivating
Than being alive in this present moment
Picking stars from the heavens
While routing the path in mother earth
All what it takes is to trust
The past is gone and the future is unknown to you.

Wake up into the light of totality
I call the morning breeze.
A song in love of mysteries
The name of all.
The birds carry all this wisdom in a note
No words can ever hold
Melodies before the beginning
Note after note.
The wind brings old news in different clothing
As fresh as a newly born
Wings of fortune will carry you home
While true songs blow in the wind.
Lighten up your everlasting journey
Whisper the wise traveller
Deep in the oneness all love exists
No end no beginning.
Wheel of Power
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Look no further than the eye can see
So often we settle for that
Don't make the mistake to lose your head
We have a tendency to add
When someone respected answers
With what the heart doesn't need
Please offer the seed with non-carrying fruit
To the light-hearted feathers.
We need each other so deeply as sisters and brothers
Reactions and responses may not give a clear message to see
But they all give us the reason to look
With sincerity to heartfelt answers
Like a star in its own vibrant position in the oneness universe.
Did life ever promise you
That it would be fair to you?
Did life welcome you with words
Of peace and no struggles?
Did life ever tell you
That you would never meet greed?
Did life show you the possibility
To turn back time?
Sometimes magic appears
after tragic moments
when letting go of fixed ideas
that mislead to illusions,
presently is revealed as opportunities
of forgotten places.
Where do you get your peace in life?
What is the contentment
From its kindness smile?
Stroking your cheek
Telling you life is good?
When challenges have been your friend
For a very long time
Loneliness arises when you try to say goodbye.
To embrace a change that opens within you
Trust is the key to unlock the door
Holding a new step.
I've been fighting all day to keep myself centred
I will not let fear cross over my love bridge
This is a battle worth my attention
So I set sail and take off shore to a deeper level